Tag Archives: wedding

The Rantings of a Mad Woman

Today was not a particularly great day. Started off like a Monday and an innocent conversation set my insides off. Only after some therapeutic knitting and hopeful-making TV am I feeling less like an angry snot monger and more like a human being.

Sometimes I wonder if I come off as an angry person. I know I am not full of hate but I’m not someone people describe as happy. (Shudder. Actually, the idea of that makes me puke.) Generally, that’s all ok by me. After awhile you start to let all the things you aren’t fall away and you are just left with who you are. Hopefully, you like that version. I do. Always in flux but I do. More and more, even when there are days when the light seems a bit dimmer.

Still, there is a fine line between self confidence and arrogance. Every now and then I seep on through the other side. My ego gets a bit large. But life likes to balance things out and as high as I might get, I tend to fall flat on my face just as quick.

Mondays aren’t my favorite in general. My weekends for this year are winding down and the fucking holidays are growing ever closer. This weekend is the last of friend festivities aka weddings.

This has been the third one I’m attending and the fourth I was invited to this year. The best part of this one – I don’t have to fly. One subway ride and I’m there. 10 min flat. 15, if the trains are funky.

Alas, with every positive, something must balance it out.

First, there are the mixed feelings I have towards the matrimonial ceremony. Now, let me reiterate that my emotions towards weddings have nothing to do with the couple. Of course I’m happy for them and to share in their day. It’s just I’m not all that swept up in the “magic” of it. It’s all too planned. It’s all too big. It’s all too…TOO. There’s a weird part of it where I just find all the “ceremony” really embarrassing.

This could be due to the fact I am single with no love prospects on the horizon. This could also be that I’m currently down on the male sex and a bit on love itself (the various definitions people use at their convenience). It could also simply be I don’t really like weddings.

When I was younger, it was more of a novelty and exciting. Seeing your friend go through it or even be a part of it. And secretly, you think of what will happen on your day. But time passes and divorces happen and shit happens and the ceremony is still the ceremony but the marriage might not necessarily be the marriage anymore.

I want the marriage. Not the wedding. Even though (I cannot lie), I’d love to wear a pretty dress.

I might just be in a cynical state of mind. Truthfully, I’m considering missing the actual “I do’s” and sliding in for the food. It’s a weird thing. I can watch it and feel emotional and hope for the best for those two kids but…the only word I can think of is…meh.

To me, seeing the couple outside of this formal context is more compelling. More telling. And more romantic. This construct just makes me uncomfortable. That and I have a distinct distaste for dancing in formal dress. It makes me feel odd. I love to dance but not in a cocktail dress. It never feels right to me. It feels less free.

I am struggling with this idea of what my shitty thoughts of this are. Seems so very bah humbug but after attending these weddings, I just find they’re like the commercialization of Valentine’s Day. It just tends to make people who are single feel like shit and that just stinks. The concept of celebrating the couple’s entry to marriage is a lovely one but it gets marred by so many other things. And yes, I’m making this all about me and not the couple at hand. Duh. Truth – the couple should party on and why not?! Declare it in front of friends and family. Go on and enjoy your day. I just wish I enjoyed it too.

I wonder if I were coupled off or married, would I feel as uninterested in weddings? Can’t say. Maybe I’ll become bridezilla should my day arrive. But that’s neither here nor there. I didn’t always go meh on weddings. But enjoy them? Rarely. I count my brother’s amongst the few I recall…mostly because my sister-in-law made it extra memorable. But that’s another story. (And WHAT a story!)

As for the fuel to my Monday fire and wedding diatribe…found out I’ll be sitting at a table with someone I care not much for. The gist is this. We had a mild flirtation once upon a time but nothing came of it (no really, not even a kiss) yet unbeknownst to him, he became my mental poster boy for indecisive smug shitheads who aren’t as sincere as they appear. I’m being harsh cuz by all means. Most would find him agreeable (maybe). But I’ll say it. I’m embittered.

Funny thing is, I rarely, if ever, think of him. But the mention now and again makes my guts clench and I just want to punch something (preferably his doughy face). It’s a bit sad, maybe pathetic and possibly hateful but I have a REALLY fucking adverse reaction to him and I cannot quite explain why. My conclusion – it doesn’t matter why. He just sucks.

And naturally, he has a girlfriend. Why? They always get girlfriends. Meh.

Thing is, I’m not jealous. I’m not even attracted anymore. I’m just angry. Sometimes, we just fixate on someone cuz they symbolize something to us, even in its nebulous nature. Not that they actually are that thing. They just…are to us.

When I look at him, I look at a man who couldn’t make up his mind. Who made snap judgments about me (I know this is pot kettle black but my blog, my rules!) and was seemingly kind but really just dismissive. He is a symptom of the issue at hand. Toddle along until you FEEL like dealing. IT. JUST. PISSES. ME. OFF.

Maybe it was my arrogance. Or my naiveté at the time. Thinking that perhaps I did one wrong move and that ended the possibility. The sad part with him was it did feel like it was ONE wrong move and suddenly nope. The sun shines then it goes cloudy. And the bizarre vacillation and the backhanded complements. The feeling I could never shake that he was always surveying my moves and seeing if it would fit. It all felt so calculated and so disgustingly transparent.

This story isn’t uncommon. This wasn’t even one that hurt that badly. It’s just the one that haunts me enough now and again that I have to sit at a fucking table with him. And yes, I know this is all massive over thinking but THIS IS HOW I DO PEOPLE!

We weren’t a good match. It came at a time when I was a lot more uncertain and grabbing at straws cuz I didn’t know who was worth pursuing and who wasn’t. The beautiful part about history and hindsight is you realize the men that did make the cut were the ones you really needed to be with. The rest were just telemarketers.

A man my friend was seeing once asked him why he was still single (eyeroll), especially since he was such a swell fella. Sigh. What can a person possibly say to that? My friend never answered and the man took it to believe my friend preferred being alone to the alternative. Double sigh. How very convenient for your story, Mr. Super Smitten but Way Too Presumptuous.

Thing is…that’s just how my friend felt about this man. My friend didn’t so much not want to have a relationship as to not have a relationship with HIM. Boom. That hurts.

I feel for both sides. It’s fucking rough. I recall the awkwardness of being wanted at a level you couldn’t reciprocate (I would always just walk away to spare as many feelings as I could – who wants to hurt someone on purpose?). But I recall the rejection just as strongly if not more so. Anyone who’s delved into the relationship arena knows one side as well as the other. If you only know one side, I hope it’s the one that hurts less. But let’s face it, ONLY one of those sides hurts. The other one just has passing notions.

That’s what is so hard to reconcile sometimes. It isn’t that these people aren’t nice or good in their own rite. It’s the feeling of rejection that they’re not right for you. It sucks when it’s lopsided. It sucks when you’ve turned down enough men and when you actually want to try, it’s with someone who doesn’t feel the same. Or that they don’t feel the same way for the same amount of time.

Rejection sucks. It can cause bitterness, irrationality and a desire to justify every non-action in your search for some real answer/reason for this pain. Sometimes it humiliates us cuz we attempted something and got it slammed in our faces. We want to save ourselves the hurt. But we can’t. It’s part of the game. It’s part of the rewards. And perhaps in hindsight, those rejections will turn out to be wins rather than losses. The lost battles but not the lost war.

(Sigh. The optimist rears her ugly head.)

Perhaps that’s what the wedding table guest is to me. A personification of someone who rejected me. Not even in a horrible way. Not even in an outwardly humiliating way. It was simply the fact that I could see the inner workings of his male mind while he was sizing me up for date-ability. And THAT just felt belittling.

Maybe it’s karma. Surely I’ve done the same in some respects. To a suitor? Doubtful. Hard to read is my MO. But warm, kind and a delightful date I usually am.

It’s the loss of control. Of not being the one who got to reject him. Of even having that temporary feeling of being less than. Of him being decisive but not in a way that was in my favor. Rejection. Blows.

The dumb thing is surely, he didn’t think much of this stuff at all. First off, he’s a guy and guy brains only want to work so hard. Plus nothing ever panned out. But I guess that’s why I rarely think of him either.

Is it horrible to hold him as the poster boy for my pain and so-called suffering? Nah. He doesn’t know it. And at the end of the day, neither one of us really cares.

I’m just a bitter Betty (at the moment) and he’s the focus of my evil eye. Do I see the idiocy of bitching about someone who give less than two fucks about me when I’ve written a goddamn blog post about it? Yes. But venting is necessary and it’s not so much the man as the idea of what the man represents. I’m working things out here…I’m working things out. And as much as I’m bitching, I know this wedding guest really isn’t an/the issue. It ain’t THAT serious y’all.

Still, I’ll admit, I do wish him bad mojo when his name comes up. Just because I’m human and NOT a walking bottle of sunshine. I don’t wish him death. Or destruction. But maybe all his clothes shrink in the wash or he gets a big zit on his nose. I’m not all that magnanimous all the time. Besides, he never won my heart and I tend to be kinder to those who broke it than to those who perused and found me wanting. Contradictory? Yep. But it’s easier to “hate” someone you didn’t really care about than someone you really did.

Fuck it.

I’ll be at the wedding this weekend. In my pretty purple party dress. And he can go fuck himself. Cuz bitches, wedding fan or not, I’m gonna look and be FABULOUS.

Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Weddings fill me with mixed feelings.

In general, they are joyous events and I’m always happy to witness my friend’s foray into this new chapter of her/his life.


The formality and the structure of it all kind of annoy me.

There are always the conventional goosebump moments – the minute the wedding march starts and the bride makes her way down can definitely make my throat catch.

Truly, though, I prefer the pre-show to the actual event.

This past weekend, I was sorta the third wheel/assistant to the bridesmaids and bride. Whatever tasks they couldn’t do, I’d try my best to figure it out.

It’s probably the girl in me but I just love dressing up and bonding with the gals that way. It’s just the time you get with your pals before the big event. Before you declare this marked change in your life status. To be silly and support your friend while you sit and get your hair and face done. Honestly, it’s just priceless.

But with joy there also comes a twinge of pain. It’s not to take away anything from the folks getting married. I am so very happy for their coupling.

It’s just…the bummer for a single person is simple – you can’t help but wonder if your time will ever come. Despite wanting to be above such conventional ideas, it’s hard to avoid thinking about the pink elephant when the elephant is surrounding you. Maybe some single gals have gotten past this hiccup but I’m woman enough to admit I haven’t.

There are shallower aspects of this mindset. What sort of wedding would I have? Big and outlandish or small and intimate? Hair up or down? Indoors or out? End of the day, though, it’s just another reason for me to shop on a larger scale. 🙂

Married folks at weddings watch and reminisce about their time down the aisle. It’s a point of nostalgia. Not so much for me. Can’t have deja vu for something I’ve never had.

Still not sure if I’m sad about that or not.

Still not sure if my time will one day come or not.

Still not sure if that’s ok or not.

I guess only time will tell and like the song says, whatever will be…will be. I’ll be alright. No matter the outcome.

But you can bet your ass if I ever did have a wedding, it’d be nothing less than kickass. (Hint – me, him and a little white chapel presided by Elvis. What else more do you need?! :D)

Nostalgia, Romantic Notions and My Wayward Heart

Just got back from a quick trip to my home state of California. Oh, weather, how you kill me…how I miss thee?!

Was there for a great friend’s wedding and basically, it was a little sidetrack to what my college life used to be. It’s odd to see so many people you once were surrounded with now 15 years older with a life you know nothing about.

Anyways. Back in NYC and feeling all sorts of blue. I’m going to blame it on the mini vacation…it’s always a comedown.

So bizarre seeing everyone’s lives change and where my road diverged from theirs. Saw a very old roommate and she literally asked me what I’ve been up to. Dear gawd, where do I start? What haven’t I done? What is yet to be in store?

Anyways…been listening to Kacey Musgraves album – “Same Trailer, Different Park” on repeat. She’s wistful, sweet and charming. Perfect for my frame of mind. Oh yes and just a little bit heartbreaking.

Despite my better instincts, here’s my current state of mind…

But this seems a better place to be…just give me a day to get there.

Yep, I like this girl.

Spring Cleaning

Maybe it’s that today is June 1st.

Maybe it’s cuz it’s been on my mind.

Maybe it’s cuz I’m bored as shit.

All I know is I have been deleting my profiles left and right.

Well, I deleted 2 permanently and one is unsubscribed but they’re still sending me fucking emails. I know I’m on other sites but I can’t remember all of them at the moment.

Why the need to purge? Eh, it’s just time.

Feeling the need to re-prioritize and be better focused on the things I do want. My vision is still fairly short sighted and that’s my own fault. Can’t see past the week ahead when I really want a lifetime of good things.

Case in point – a friend asked me recently what I would pick – a dumbass who’s great in bed or a good guy who’s shitty in bed. Um…these choices suck. Also unlikely it’ll be that cut and dry. Regardless, my immediate answer was the former (I know…I know) but the reason for it…I wasn’t really thinking long term. These choices both seem like short term to me. Guess that’s where I need to clean out my head a bit. When I gave this scenario to two other pals, they opted for the latter cuz you can’t teach a dumbass smarts. Sigh.

Don’t I feel like an asshole?!

Won’t be creating a vision board as of yet (not really my style) but mentally, I need to keep some things in check. This year seems to be about transitions and acceptance and that’s not always easy to handle.

Dating is not exactly at the top of my list right now but it’s on my mind (always…). Same old deal – wanna find blah blah blah. But the idea of being “active” about it bores me to tears…and stresses me out. I’ll get to it when I have more energy to deal.

Right now I just want to clean house. And honestly, if one more person tells me that it’ll probably happen now since I’m “not looking for it,” I’m going to kill them. Stop this nonsense. It’s not true. It’s just convenient to say…to spring hope eternally in the single population. Fuck it. Hope is good but I need something more…something less reductive.

As I’m slowly coming out of my funk, realizing whatever it is I want/need is coming together better, I’m willing to let a lot of things go. Sometimes it feels like the universe wants to beat all the expectation out of me. My worst fear is I’ll end up with someone I’m less than crazy about. Truth is, the way I’m built…that’s fairly impossible. When my interest is FINALLY piqued, I’m completely…piqued. No half way bullshit here. The problem is – I’m a long term girl with short sighted vision. Moving into the new adult relationship space is odd to me. I’m open to it but in need of a partner to run me through its paces. Harder to find than I ever imagined.

Was at a wedding recently and I was one of two single gals. After the event, said single girl and I commiserated over everyone’s desire to set us up with any single man at the party. If one of us rejected one guy, they’d push him off to the other. Ugh. Why do coupled off people just LOVE setting up single people? Is it the belief that they believe happiness lies in coupledom? Or is it that they’re so fucking bored in their own lives they want to see that initial passion of a burgeoning relationship again? Or do they just dig gossip and sex? Fuck if I know. It’s just annoying and it starts to weigh down on the singletons. There is enough pressure (from family, friends and myself)…I don’t need more from a fucking stranger.

Inevitably, someone asks if you’re dating someone. When the answer is no, you feel like you’ve let someone down. Like I’m suddenly this jaded New Yorker who’s lonely as fuck. Truth is…I am lonely (sometimes) and I can be jaded (sometimes) but I’m also optimistic and excited about my life as it is. AS. IT. IS. And yes, sometimes, I like coming home to my empty apartment and not be accountable to ANYONE. I like that too. It isn’t that a girl doesn’t want MORE but a girl has to appreciate what she has too and I have a lot. A LOT.

I love this blog. I love sharing and getting feedback. I love knowing others out there experience the same bullshit…the anger and joy. It’s a healthy thing. And while I’ll always use it to bitch about where I’m going and where I’ve come from, I think one of the better decisions I’m making is deciding not to constantly mark my progress. I used to be all about it but hell, the minute I do, things change.

Am I over him? Who the fuck knows. Things seem better but it’s the rigamarole. Today I don’t feel as heartbroken as I did yesterday but tomorrow I might feel like shit. No matter tho, it’s never back to square one…it’s just life.